Daisy Mae Edings

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Vital Information
Gender Female
Race White
Location Las Vegas, Nevada
Status Being oppressed by the man
Character stuff
Nature Architect
Demeanor Visionary
Essence Dynamic
Cabal The Weird Science of Broken Toys
Player Kyra
Character Sheet Here


Daisy Mae Edings is 5'7" and weighs in around 125lbs to 140lbs, depending on whether she's remembered to eat regularly. She has what the Southerners call a "peaches and cream" complexion that is lightly dusted with pale freckles. Her hair (post-paradox) was a very light brown with honey undertones, now it really depends on the season. She has a heart-shaped face that her Momma says perfectly suits her deep gray eyes (with their "make everyone jealous" eyelashes), a slightly crooked nose (thanks to a mean right hook freshman year), and slightly too long mouth (bane of her existence in high school). She can normally be found barefoot in really old, faded-at-the-stress-point, holier-then-is-stylish Levi's and cotton T-shirts, both of which are normally smeared with grease, oil, and dirt.

